Keadaan di negara Malaysia ini menjadi tumpuan dunia seketika apabila dua agama besar dunia yakni Islam dan Kristian diheret ke dalam satu polemik yang berpanjangan, polemik perebutan hak tentang milik siapakah penggunaan kalimah “Allah”.
Semua cuba memahami apakah ianya isu aqidah?Isu fiqh? Isu kalam? Tetapi tiada yang cuba mendalami dan memahami bahawa isu ini tidak ada dalil jelas (qath'ie). Sehingga hujah kedua-dua pihak masih berdasarkan dalalah yang tidak jelas (zhonniah), takwilan dan tafsiran masing-masing. Maka timbul persoalan apa perlunya menjadi 'extreme' atau menimbulkan provokasi dengan pernyataan-pernyataan yang hanya membangkitkan permusuhan?
Ramai tampil memberi respon dan pandangan, tetapi kebanyakannya hilang rasional apabila menganggap ijtihad(keputusan dan pemahaman) sendiri atau kumpulan mereka paling benar, manakala orang lain fasiq dan salah kerana berpijak pada epistemologi yang berbeza sehingga tidak dapat membuat konklusi dengan tepat!
Justeru saya hanya mampu berkata:
Allah Tuhan Kita Walau Apa Jua Kalimahnya
Ya! Penulis merujuk kepada Muslim dan bukan muslim. Bukankah menjadi impian suci kita sebagai pendakwah bahawa semua pihak di dunia ini beriman dengan keEsaan Allah? Ianya lebih bermanfaat buat dunia dakwah daripada bertelingkah tentang “Allah:Milik Siapa?” seakan-akan Tuhan Yang Esa itu mendambakan pemilikan. Perdebatan penggunaan kalimah ini dianggap sesuatu yang pelik di mata dunia kerana ianya satu isu lama yang tidak terlintas di benak dunia muslim lain seperti Indonesia,Syria, Egypt dan lain-lain, apatah lagi negeri Sabah dan Sarawak telah sekian lama menggunakannya. Maka persoalannya mengapa perlu timbul sekarang?
Maka ianya bukanlah satu kekeliruan di dalam Islam, tetapi agama Kristian sendiri yang beria-ia mahu menggunakan kalimah tersebut. Dalam konsepsi Islam, lafaz Allah adalah nama diri dari Dzat Yang Maha Kuasa, yang memiliki nama dan sifat-sifat Allah dan nama-namaNya yang sudah dijelaskan di dalam al-Quran dan as-Sunnah.sehingga tidak membuka ruang dan kesempatan untuk terjadinya spekulasi akal dalam masalah ini.
Tuhan orang Islam adalah jelas, yakni Allah. Yang satu,yang tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan dan tidak ada sesuatupun yang serupa denganNya. Kesemua kayu ukur ini adalah syarat yang ditetapkan di dalam al-Quran dalam mengenali Tuhan, dan yang sebenarnya layak menggelar diriNya sebagai Tuhan yang Esa. Berbeza dengan agama Kristian yang menyatakan sebaliknya, bahawa Tuhan yang mereka kenal itu Tiga dalam Satu.
Dalam kaedah bahasa Arab,ianya adalah satu lafaz isim jamid, sepertimana yang dipersetujui oleh para ulamak silam seperti Imam Syafie, al-Khitabi, Imam al-Haramain, Imam al-Ghazali dan yang lainnya. Ibn Katsir menjelaskan dalam tafsirnya bahawa ‘Allah’ itu adalah ‘al-ismu al-a’dhamu’. Maka tidaklah selain Allah yang memiliki nama tersebut selain Allah Rabbul ‘Alamin. Maka tidak wujud kekeliruan dalam agama Islam terhadap kalimah yang mulia ini.
Kini, apabila agama Kristian ingin turut sama berkongsi kalimah yang dianggap mulia oleh umat Islam di Malaysia, tambahan pula digembar-gemburkan hak agama masing-masing maka timbullah konflik sehingga maraknya kemarahan sehingga menyebabkan beberapa kes pembakaran gereja dan pencemaran masjid. Walaupun penulis secara peribadi memilih pandangan harusnya (mubah) penganut Kristian menggunakan kalimat ini setelah meneliti dari sudut fiqhnya, tetapi penulis juga tidak menafikan dari sudut siyasah shariiyyah, maslahah umum, sadhus zariah dan sebagainya, wujud ruang perbincangan lanjut yang tidak akan disentuh di dalam artikel ini.
Apa yang penulis ingin ketengahkan ialah apakah agama Krisitan benar-benar telah bersedia dengan keputusan yang mereka ambil, atau ianya hanya keras kepala suara satu dua orang ‘ulamak’ Kristian (merujuk kepada isu di Malaysia)? Maka persoalan yang ingin diutarakan dalam artikel ini ialah apakah umat Kristian benar-benar telah bersedia menerima keputusan satu-dua orang ini? Apakah mereka tidak mahu belajar daripada rakan-rakan mereka di Negara jiran?
Umat Islam tidaklah rugi jika kita berkongsi Tuhan! Allah yang sememangnya hanya layak disembah! Kerana itu:
Allah Tuhan Kita Walau Apa Jua Kalimahnya.
Penulis berhasrat memetik di sini satu petikan daripada buku yang berjudul “Allah dalam Kekristianan, Apakah Salah” karya Rev. Yakub Sulistyo,S.Th.,M.A (2009) yang menghuraikan kekeliruan kaum Kristian sendiri di Indonesia yang bertegas dengan pengunaan kalimah Allah tersebut dalam merujuk kepada Tuhan Mereka. Buku ini menyeru penganut Kristian supaya tidak lagi menggunakan perkataan Allah melalui pernyataannya:
“Kamus Theologia Kristian sendiri sudah sangat jelas menulis bahawa: Allah itu berasal dari bahasa Arab yang ertinya Keberadaan Tertinggi dalam agama Islam, jadi jika anda seorang Kristian atau Katolik (Nasrani) yang baik, anda seharusnya menghormati iman orang lain(umat Islam), dengan tidak mencampur-adukkan dengan iman Nasrani sehingga menjadi Sinkretisme..Sebagai umat Nasrani carilah Keselamatan sesuai dengan kitab sucinyasendiri dengan tidak takut menghadapi institusi duniawi seperti Sinode, Pimpinan Gereja yang tidak memahami Firman tuhan, merk Gereja dan lain-lain. Jangan takut dipecat demi kebenaran hakiki. Tuhan Yahwh di dalam Nama Yeshua HaMashiakh memberkati anda”.
Di Indonesia, negara jiran kita melalui akta pengangungan nama Yahweh dan sejenisnya akhir-akhir ini memang meresahkan kalangan Kristian sendiri. Mereka bukan hanya menerbitkan buku-buku atau risalah-risalah, tetapi juga menerbitkan Bibel sendiri yang menukar semua kalimah Allah di dalamnya (Kitab Suci Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru-Indonesia Literal Transalation (ILT), terbitan Yayasan Lentera Bangsa, Jakarta, 2008).
Itulah polemik yang dialami oleh kaum Kristian sekian lama,walhal dalam edaran Rasmi mereka di Indonesia, Lembaga Al-Kitab Indonesia (LAI) sendiri mengakui bahawa terjemahan-terjemahan bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Indonesia, kata Allah sudah digunakan terus menerus sekian lama sejak terbitan Injil Matius dalam bahasa Melayu yang pertama (terjemahan Albert Cornelis Ruyl, 1692), begitu juga halnya dengan Al-kitab Melayu yang kedua (terjemahan Hillebrandus Cornelius Klinkert, 1879 sehingga kini).
Mereka umat Kristian juga seperti mana kita (Muslim), ada yang menyokong penggunaan kalimah Allah, ada yang menentang. Banyak buku rujukan yang membahaskan tentang kontroversi penggunaan kalimah ‘Allah’ ini oleh agama Kristian. Kebanyakannya dari Negara jiran kerana isu ini telah lebih awal dibahaskan sebelum ianya tercetus di Malaysia. Antaranya buku dan karya di bawah adalah hasil kaum Kristian sendiri seperti:
-Kontorversi Nama Allah oleh I.J Satyabudi (2004), Wacana Press:Jakarta.
-The History of Allah oleh Bambang Noorsena (2005), PBMR:Yogya.
-Siapakah yang bernama Allah itu? Oleh Herlianto (2005), BPK:Jakarta.
-Waspadalah Terhadap Sekte Baru,Sekte Pengagung Yahweh oleh Pdt.A.H.Parhusip (2003)
Kaum Kristian di Indonesia memahami penggunaan kalimah “Allah” member impak dan kelebihan kepada dakwah Islam sehingga tertubuhnya kelompok Beth Yesua Hamashiah (BYH). Menurut Rev. Yakub Sulistyo, kelompok BYH mengungkapkan bahwa nama Tuhan yang sebenarnya adalah YAHWEH bukan Allah. Penggunaan nama “Allah” bagi golongan atau kelompok ini menanggapnya sebagai “oposisi” YAHWEH adalah sebuah kesalahan sejarah yang mesti diperbaiki. Menurut kelompok ini kata Yahwe berasal dari huruf tetragramaton YHWH. Perjuangan mereka ini pada penulis sangat berasas, tidak mustahil juga kerana ketakutan yang menyelubungi umat Kristian. Hal ini menjadi kembimbangan mereka kerana menurut statistik yang dilakukan di beberapa wilayah penganut Kristian, terjadinya penurunan jumlah penganut Kristian dari tahun ke tahun (Rujuk Menurut data CITRAS-Center for Indonesia Transform Studies).
Maka penulis mengharap para pendakwah melihat cawan yang terisi separuh air berbanding kontangnya separuh sisi lain. Inilah pemikiran yang wajar bagi mereka yang pernah selama ini terlibat dalam ilmu perbandingan agama, tidak wajar kita menghabiskan masa berdebat apakah mereka layak atau tidak menggunakan kalimah tersebut,biarkan golongan agamawan dan sarjana Islam dengan fatwa dan ijtihad mereka. Kita juga mempunyai peranan yang sewajarnya untuk dimainkan untuk terus mara dengan misi dakwah menerangkan: Allah Tuhan Kita Walau Apa Jua Kalimahnya.
Melalui kalimah-kalimah ‘Allah’ yang mereka umat Kristian inginkan! Sebarkan kitab suci versi ‘New International Version’ mereka yang kini tiba-tiba berfirman[1]:
* ‘Satu hari Yesus keluar ke pergunungan untuk bersembahyang, dan menghabiskan sepanjang malam sembahyang kepada Allah.’ (Lukas 6:12)
‘One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.’ (Luke 6:12)
* ‘Allah yang disembah oleh Abraham, Ishak dan Yakub, Allah nenek moyang kita, telah memuliakan hamba-Nya, Yesus.’ (Kisah Rasul-Rasul 3:13)
‘The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus.’ (Acts 3:13)
* ‘Yesus dari Nazareth ialah seorang manusia lelaki yang di tugaskan oleh Allah kepada kamu dengan mukjizat, keajaiban dan alamat yang dilakukan oleh Allah di kalangan kamu melalui dia, sepertimana kamu sendiri ketahui.’ (Kisah Rasul-Rasul 2:22)
‘Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.’ (Acts 2:22)
* ‘Dengarlah wahai (bangsa) Israel: Allah Tuhan kita, Tuhan kita satu.’ (Ulangan 6:4)
‘Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, The LORD is one.’ (Deuteronomy 6:4)
* ‘ “Yang paling utama,” jawab Yesus, “ialah: ‘Dengarlah wahai (bangsa) Israel, Allah Tuhan kita, Tuhan kita satu.’ “ ‘ (Markus 12:29)
‘ “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.’ “ ‘ (Mark 12:29)
* ‘Engkaulah yang berkuasa dan melaksanakan jasa-jasa yang baik; hanya Engkaulah Allah.’ (Mazmur 86:10)
‘For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.’ (Psalm 86:10)
* ‘Akulah yang pertama dan Akulah yang terakhir; tidak ada Allah selain Aku.’ (Yesaya 44:6)
‘I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God.’ (Isaiah 44:6)
* ‘Sesungguhnya Allah bersama kamu, dan tidak ada yang lain; tidak ada Allah yang lain.’ (Yesaya 45:14)
‘Surely God is with you, and there is no other; there is no other God.’ (Isaiah 45:14)
* ‘Ingatilah perkara yang berlalu, yang dahulu kala; Akulah Allah, dan tidak ada yang lain; Akulah Allah, dan tiada sesuatu pun yang serupa dengan Ku.’ (Yesaya 46:9)
‘Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.’ (Isaiah 46:9)
* “Akulah Allah Tuhan kamu, yang membawa kamu keluar daripada Mesir, keluar daripada bumi hamba abdi. Kamu tidak boleh mempunyai Tuhan-Tuhan lain daripada Aku.” (Keluaran 20:2-3; Ulangan 5:6-7)
“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:2-3; Deuteronomy 5:6-7)
* ‘Yesus berkata, “…dan beritahu mereka bahawa aku sedang kembali…kepada Allahku dan Allahmu.” ‘ (Yohanes 20:17)
‘Jesus said, “…and tell them, ‘I am returning…to my God and your God.” ‘(John 20:17)
* ‘Petrus menarik Yesus ke tepi dan mula menegur Dia, “Ya Tuhan, semoga Allah menjauhkan perkara itu daripada Tuhan! Perkara itu tidak boleh berlaku kepada Tuhan!” ‘ (Matius 16:22)
‘Peter took him (Jesus) aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” ‘ (Matthew 16:22)
* ‘Pada detik yang kesembilan, Yesus menjerit dengan suara yang kuat, “Eli, Eli, lama sabakhthani?” yang bermaksud, “Ya Allahku (ILLAHI), Ya Allahku (ILLAHI), kenapa Engkau meninggalkan Aku?” ‘ (Matius 27:46; Markus 15:34)
‘About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” – which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” ‘ (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34)
* ‘Yesus berkata kepada kaum Yahudi, “…Sememangnya kamu sungguh-sungguh mahu membunuh aku, yang hanya seorang manusia lelaki yang telah menyampaikan kebenaran yang aku dengar daripada Allah kepada kamu…” ‘ (Yohanes 8:40)
‘Jesus said to the Jews, “…As it is, you are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God…” ‘ (John 8:40)
* ‘Yesus berdoa kepada Allah untuk dirinya dan berkata, “…Maka ini lah hidup yang kekal; agar mereka mengenali Mu, Hanyalah Allah Tuhan yang benar, dan Yesus Kristus yang di utuskan oleh Mu…” ‘ (Yohanes 17:3)
‘Jesus prayed to God for himself and said, “…Now this is eternal life; that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent…” ‘ (John 17:3)
* ‘Kerana hanya ada satu Allah dan satu perantara diantara Allah dengan manusia, iaitu manusia lelaki bernama Yesus Kristus…’ (1 Timotius 2:5)
‘For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus…’ (1 Timothy 2:5)
* ‘…Kita tahu bahawa berhala tidak ada gunanya di dunia dan sesungguhnya tiada Allah melainkan yang satu.’ (1 Korintus 8:4)
‘…We know that an idol is nothing at all in the world and that there is no God but one.’ (1 Corinthians 8:4)
* ‘Wahyu Yesus Kristus, yang disampaikan oleh Allah kepadanya…’ (Wahyu 1:1)
‘The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him…’ (Revelation 1:1)
* ‘Yesus menjawab, “Berimanlah kepada Allah.” ‘ (Markus 11:22)
‘ “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered.’ (Mark 11:22)
Semoga perkongsian ini bermanfaat buat para dai’e Islam dan membuka mata para penganut Kristian dengan izin Tuhan dan satu-satunya Pencipta kita, Allah Rabbul ‘Alamin.
[1] Kredit diberikan kepada Bro. Ungku Fauzi atas terjemahan Bible di atas. Beliau adalah salah seorang guru kami di Islamic Information Services (IIS) dalam Ilmu Perbandingan Agama yang mana pengkhususan beliau adalah dalam Kristianiti.
Salam ezry,good writing, but like always controversial..
1)Good introduction, ' Allah tuhan kita' . I agree with this statement. And I believe this also what we Islam want to do, and spreading the message of believe in Allah to non-muslim to believe in him.
2)Good quotation from Bible, reading what you quote showing that Christian try to make us believe, they totally believe in Allah, BUT I think you only quote which is similiar to our believes, What if you also quoting versus that totally different from our believe AND show the versus which if we read it, it can shaking the faith for muslim (low Islamic knowledge)
3)Just a thought. If Christian is really believe in Allah, I believe they also suppose to change ALL their printed bible in US, Britain and state it as ALlah, But why only they want to put it in country where there a muslims?
4)i have read one article in UTUSAN, last week. One comment from their priest, which means from my understanding " why want to convert muslims who already have religions we suppose to target people with no religions like in Sabah and Sarawak'
5)Say you stating that, " Kaum Kristian di Indonesia memahami penggunaan kalimah “Allah” member impak dan kelebihan kepada dakwah Islam sehingga tertubuhnya kelompok Beth Yesua Hamashiah (BYH).' Alright.. if this is really true which make easy, why you do some statistic or survey.. How many christian after read the bible which quote God as ALLAH convert into Islam. And how many muslims after reading the bible, saying Islam and Christian is the same and the worst case scenario, changing religion.
If there is one muslim who their faith is shake when they read it, is it good for our religion? Is it good if the one this muslims also wrote blog, spreading the message what he believes and another one was influence
Is it good if 99 christian convert into Islam and 1 Islam become christian because of that? And what if the one is your children, or my children ( worst case scenario, you already passed away earlier and no one want to educate him the true Islam, and our government is stupid to protect your children)
6)One of the characteristic of christian, is freedom (e.g, alchohol, riba', gay, free sex). That is the reason people from Budhist, Hindu.. If god is the same as Muslim, it is not possible with the current situation in Malaysia some of our malay new generation was influence because they want freedom.
7)Is it alright for you, when christian when they preach, they say ALLAH have son? doesn't it critisize directly ALlah the one we submit?
Sorry no dalil can be provided, just rational thinking and best case and worst case thinking..
1)*Yes, Allah is our God refers to Muslim and Non-Muslim’s God since Allah Al-Mighty is the Creator of all.
2)*The quotation from the Bible is common to those who learn comparative religion. The selection is not trying to be selective but coming to the same ground is one of da’wah method teach by Allah in the Holy Quran:
Say: "O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah." If then they turn back, say ye: "Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will).(Ali Imran 3 :64)
Quoting other chapters or verses from the Bible that will only reflects the differences between us will only hinder us from spreading the real message to our Christian friend. It is clearly explain that the objective of the article is not to make any conclusion from current conflict. But rather focusing on action that should be taken by the Muslim da’i instead of fighting in zhoniyyah issue.The muslim da’i can preach to our Christian friends the sayings of Jesus himself from the Bible.
3)MAYBE they have hidden agenda behind it. Allah knows best. But we can’t denied that that the Islamic law saying otherwise whereby the People of the Book have their right of using the word ‘Allah’. It just the matter the word is being use appropriately or not.for further clarification of why they (our Christian friends) interested to use it, you may need to ask them.
4)*Same as what stated by Rev. Yakub Sulistyo. But focusing the usage of the word in such province of Sabah and Sarawak is just the matter of the evangelism. In the U.S there are even such movements as televangelism that uses media as their evangelism projects. No surprise. We Muslim believe the truth will prevail, but our effort will determine it. The problems we have now is when the Christian that very enthusiastic in spreading their message because of their believe in Chapter John 3 verse 16 but contrary to that most of the Muslims thinks that the da’wah is not obligatory to them.
5)*The survey out of the questions you raise is subjective and hardly to be done by any actuaries because it relates to individuals aspect. The statistic I’ve read and quoted in the article already proven by data from CITRAS (Center for Indonesia Transform Studies) reflects how the declines of the Christians population in the Kalimantan province. The data itself i guest is enough. The knowledge of Islam is very crucial in bringing up a child. Even just in a click, they can browse the Bible from the internet without need of waiting their parent died or what so ever. Thus again I repeat the knowledge of Islam is very crucial in bringing up a child, we our self must spend time in educating the truth faith to the children without totally transferring the responsibility to the ustaz or ustazah at the school because of our pack schedule (which I may find as a lame reason use by many parents nowadays).
6)*The true teaching of Christianity prohibits all such examples given (it is in need for the next generation to study the comparative religion so that they can have the overview of the existence of religions on earth). The one who convert to Christianity for such flexibility knows not about the religion itself. Using ‘if’ in uncertain problems in future is not applicable in this context of discussion.Even the proponent that against the usage of the word Allah by Christian haven’t yet able to prove how many Muslim entering Christian because of the ignorance in knowing the true God.
7)*It is our responsibility to spread the message of Islam to them. So that they can know the real God that we need to worship to. The same example use when they believe that Jesus is being crucified whereas we believe the other version of the story. We as a Muslim do believe and uphold with what we believe but at the same time need to try our best to spread the real message to them. It’s not the matter whether you or we mind it or not, I feel that the act of shirk done by other religion than Islam itself is a more important thing that need to be highlighted compared to just misuse of words. Isn’t that’s what da’wah is all about. Wallahu’allam.
Salam ezry,good writing, but like always controversial..
1)Good introduction, ' Allah tuhan kita' . I agree with this statement. And I believe this also what we Islam want to do, and spreading the message of believe in Allah to non-muslim to believe in him.
2)Good quotation from Bible, reading what you quote showing that Christian try to make us believe, they totally believe in Allah, BUT I think you only quote which is similiar to our believes, What if you also quoting versus that totally different from our believe AND show the versus which if we read it, it can shaking the faith for muslim (low Islamic knowledge)
3)Just a thought. If Christian is really believe in Allah, I believe they also suppose to change ALL their printed bible in US, Britain and state it as ALlah, But why only they want to put it in country where there a muslims?
4)i have read one article in UTUSAN, last week. One comment from their priest, which means from my understanding " why want to convert muslims who already have religions we suppose to target people with no religions like in Sabah and Sarawak'
5)Say you stating that, " Kaum Kristian di Indonesia memahami penggunaan kalimah “Allah” member impak dan kelebihan kepada dakwah Islam sehingga tertubuhnya kelompok Beth Yesua Hamashiah (BYH).' Alright.. if this is really true which make easy, why you do some statistic or survey..
How many christian after read the bible which quote God as ALLAH convert into Islam. And how many muslims after reading the bible, saying Islam and Christian is the same and the worst case scenario, changing religion.
If there is one muslim who their faith is shake when they read it, is it good for our religion?
Is it good if the one this muslims also wrote blog, spreading the message what he believes and another one was influence
Is it good if 99 christian convert into Islam and 1 Islam become christian because of that?
And what if the one is your children, or my children ( worst case scenario, you already passed away earlier and no one want to educate him the true Islam, and our government is stupid to protect your children)
6)One of the characteristic of christian, is freedom (e.g, alchohol, riba', gay, free sex). That is the reason people from Budhist, Hindu..
If god is the same as Muslim, it is not possible with the current situation in Malaysia some of our malay new generation was influence because they want freedom.
7)Is it alright for you, when christian when they preach, they say ALLAH have son? doesn't it critisize directly ALlah the one we submit?
Sorry no dalil can be provided, just rational thinking and best case and worst case thinking..
1)*Yes, Allah is our God refers to Muslim and Non-Muslim’s God since Allah Al-Mighty is the Creator of all.
2)*The quotation from the Bible is common to those who learn comparative religion. The selection is not trying to be selective but coming to the same ground is one of da’wah method teach by Allah in the Holy Quran:
Say: "O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah." If then they turn back, say ye: "Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will).(Ali Imran 3 :64)
Quoting other chapters or verses from the Bible that will only reflects the differences between us will only hinder us from spreading the real message to our Christian friend. It is clearly explain that the objective of the article is not to make any conclusion from current conflict. But rather focusing on action that should be taken by the Muslim da’i instead of fighting in zhoniyyah issue.The muslim da’i can preach to our Christian friends the sayings of Jesus himself from the Bible.
3)MAYBE they have hidden agenda behind it. Allah knows best. But we can’t denied that that the Islamic law saying otherwise whereby the People of the Book have their right of using the word ‘Allah’. It just the matter the word is being use appropriately or not.for further clarification of why they (our Christian friends) interested to use it, you may need to ask them.
4)*Same as what stated by Rev. Yakub Sulistyo. But focusing the usage of the word in such province of Sabah and Sarawak is just the matter of the evangelism. In the U.S there are even such movements as televangelism that uses media as their evangelism projects. No surprise. We Muslim believe the truth will prevail, but our effort will determine it. The problems we have now is when the Christian that very enthusiastic in spreading their message because of their believe in Chapter John 3 verse 16 but contrary to that most of the Muslims thinks that the da’wah is not obligatory to them.
5)*The survey out of the questions you raise is subjective and hardly to be done by any actuaries because it relates to individuals aspect. The statistic I’ve read and quoted in the article already proven by data from CITRAS (Center for Indonesia Transform Studies) reflects how the declines of the Christians population in the Kalimantan province. The data itself i guest is enough. The knowledge of Islam is very crucial in bringing up a child. Even just in a click, they can browse the Bible from the internet without need of waiting their parent died or what so ever. Thus again I repeat the knowledge of Islam is very crucial in bringing up a child, we our self must spend time in educating the truth faith to the children without totally transferring the responsibility to the ustaz or ustazah at the school because of our pack schedule (which I may find as a lame reason use by many parents nowadays).
6)*The true teaching of Christianity prohibits all such examples given (it is in need for the next generation to study the comparative religion so that they can have the overview of the existence of religions on earth). The one who convert to Christianity for such flexibility knows not about the religion itself. Using ‘if’ in uncertain problems in future is not applicable in this context of discussion.Even the proponent that against the usage of the word Allah by Christian haven’t yet able to prove how many Muslim entering Christian because of the ignorance in knowing the true God.
7)*It is our responsibility to spread the message of Islam to them. So that they can know the real God that we need to worship to. The same example use when they believe that Jesus is being crucified whereas we believe the other version of the story. We as a Muslim do believe and uphold with what we believe but at the same time need to try our best to spread the real message to them. It’s not the matter whether you or we mind it or not, I feel that the act of shirk done by other religion than Islam itself is a more important thing that need to be highlighted compared to just misuse of words. Isn’t that’s what da’wah is all about.
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